Innovation friendly environment


A biogas plant biomass, has meant that it was possible to create a source of renewable energy powered exclusively by animal manure.

In our region we breath clean air, the food is fresh, water is transparent and in abundance. For years now we try to protect all this.

We do this because we strongly believe that our health is also determined by what we eat, breathe and the environment in which we live.

We’re interested in protecting it for future generations to come with the hope that they undertake the same mission.

We are used to giving a high value to small everyday joys; and we assure you that in the morning, breathing the pure unmistakable smell of vegetation wet with frost, is one of those joys that we would like to leave to our children.

With this state of mind, active and confident too, we engage strongly with the idea that every sunrise is good to improve our ecosystems.

We are like that, friends and accomplices of our lands.

But the results comfort us every day. Our sustainable behaviors allow us to guarantee to you in the first place, high-quality products; solid guarantees for the future and for our children.

A dairy that combines tradition and modernity.


  • Senses (“organoleptic” quality);
  • Service (quality of production and distribution process): preparation, packaging, storage, etc.itaria”): igiene alimentare, assenza di sostanze nocive;
  • Safety (“hygienic-sanitary” quality): food hygiene, no harmful substances;
  • Health (quality as “salubrity”): dietary and nutritional characteristics;
  • History (quality “typical”): production area, land-based composition, traditional production methods, etc .; These are elements that can be attributed to the origin of the product, which can be valued in terms of added value through a clear and appropriate labeling.

Over the years, the main objective of Donna Giulia’s Fattorie has always been to pursue the goal of “all-round quality”:

  • Quality of milk
  • Quality of products
  • Quality of the service
  • Quality of milk

The quality of the milk is measured … before it is moistened!

It is not possible to produce good milk unless a regular and healthy feeding of the bovine is ensured and the supply of the best environmental conditions necessary to ensure a high level of animal welfare;

Quality of products
Through the constant evolution of the production processes typical of the Lucky dairy dairy tradition and the coordination between the academic and rural worlds that live their history daily in search of proper sustainable and technologically correct development.

From the moment of milking to its transformation, the milk must keep its bio-nutritional characteristics intact as well as enriching it even during the process of cheese making through the development of bacterial flora that regularly determines the different “souls” of the various cheeses.
All the activities are followed within the analysis laboratory by people who, thanks to their professionalism and experience and to the profound knowledge of the entire production chain, daily verify that all the conditions necessary to ensure the genuineness and health of the products are met.

Quality of the service
To be able to offer a total quality to those who buy our products thanks to the sensitivity that comes from awareness, but above all to the desire to wear the double garments of supplier and supplier;

Verification of the correct application of all activities is consistently followed by institutions and control bodies that periodically carry out the necessary controls to qualify the product, the production structure and the organization of the quality system.